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  COFFEE an essay
by Anthony Turner

This well illustrated work provides a brief history survey of the history of Coffee from its origin in Ethiopia in the 15th century up the middle of the 20th century. The author distinguishes the main lines of development in this higly important commerce, and evokes the development of its essential accessories - the coffee mill, the coffee-pot, and the coffee machine.

ISBN 9782907784160
112 pages + 22 pages of illustrations
160 x 240 mm - Illustrated cover
French/english text

Price : 15 euros

Livre le café ouvert


The Plant
The Beginnings: Ethiopia, Yemen, Egypte and Istanbul
Appearance in Europe
Jean René de Longueil and the growing of coffee at maisons
Merchant, Artisan, Consumer : The coffee trade in the 18th century
The effects of coffee
Coffee and sociability
The life of Coffee